
Ashara Mubaraka, Karachi (Pakistan) 1446H.

Mahal us Shifa  KPI - Ashara Mubaraka, Karachi (Pakistan) 1446H. Mahal us Shifa KPI - Ashara Mubaraka, Karachi (Pakistan) 1446H. Registration Desk - Ashara Mubaraka, Karachi (Pakistan) 1446H. Waiting Area - Ashara Mubaraka, Karachi (Pakistan) 1446H. Diabetes Screening - Ashara Mubaraka, Karachi (Pakistan) 1446H.

Ashara Mubaraka, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1441H.

Main Medical Camp - Ashara Mubaraka, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1441H. Pharmacy - Ashara Mubaraka, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1441H. Multi-Speciality Camp - Ashara Mubaraka, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1441H. Deedar Sharaf - Ashara Mubaraka, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1441H.

Ashara Mubaraka, Indore, India 1440H.

Main Medical Camp - Ashara Mubaraka, Indore, India 1440H. Multi-Speciality Camp - Ashara Mubaraka, Indore, India 1440H. Diabetes Screening Camp - Ashara Mubaraka, Indore, India 1440H. Deedar Sharaf - Ashara Mubaraka, Indore, India 1440H.

BMI Website Launch, Mumbai 1437H.

Website launched on hands of (Al-Had) Janab Abduttayyib BS Vajihuddin Saheb DM - BMI Website Launch, Mumbai 1437H. (Al-Had) Janab Abduttayyib BS Vajihuddin Saheb DM launching the website - BMI Website Launch, Mumbai 1437H. (Al-Had) Janab Abduttayyib BS Vajihuddin Saheb DM launched the new BMI website - BMI Website Launch, Mumbai 1437H. Homepage of new BMI website - BMI Website Launch, Mumbai 1437H.


  • Follow us on WhatsApp Channel

  • Follow the WhatsApp channel on WhatsApp: Click Here
  • Doctors Critical Data Update Drive 1440H.
  • Baad Salaam,

    It has been 15 years since the formation of the BURHANI MEDICAL in 2003/1424H. We then collected the Mumineen doctor’s credentials from each Jamiat and registered the doctors with us, and based on these credentials, we launched a Dawoodi Bohra Doctor’s Directory in the year 2012/1432H. Similarly; the online version of this directory was launched in 2013/1433H. Efforts were put to make sure that the credentials of all respected doctors are accurate until the day the directory was launched. 

    Now it has been a long time since our credentials are not updated or verified with the BURHANI MEDICAL’s records. It is for this reason; we have launched the Doctor’s Critical Data Update drive to help our respected doctors to update their profile information. 

    To successfully plan and execute these efforts, BURHANI MEDICAL relies on the accuracy of our credentials. Hence, it is very important that our profiles are kept up to date with BURHANI MEDICAL. We request you to please take a few minutes of your time in updating your credentials on and help ensure the success of this drive. 

  • Follow us on Instagram !
  • Take a look at Burhani Medical's official Instagram handle (@burhanimedicalidara),
    Scan this QR Code.

  • Follow us on Facebook !
  • Take a look at Burhani Medical 's official Facebook handle (@burhanimedicalidara)
    Scan the QR Code to Connect.

  • Follow us on Twitter (X) !
  • Take a look at Burhani Medical 's official Facebook handle (@bmi53_official)
    Scan the QR Code to Connect.

  • Update - Idara Contact Details
  • New Contact Details of Burhani Medical:

    • * Contact No.(1): +91 22 2262 3098
    • * Contact No.(2): +91 22 4002 6107
    • * eMail Id:
    • * Website:
  • BM Tag Updated on ITS Profile Page
  • We are glad to inform you that the BM tag has been updated on all doctor's ITS profile page. To view the tag please log-in to using your ITS Id and password, Click on "My Details" and then click on "Profile" tab.
    On the "Profile" page - scroll down to bottom to view the BM Tag.
    for any update pls contact BURHANI MEDICAL at

  • Enrolment for Medical Professionals!
  • All Mumineen who are in Medical Profession such as Doctor, Medical Students or Paramedic are requested to enrol themselves under BURHANI MEDICAL IDARA through our official website
    For New Enrolment login with your ITS ID and hover on the "Registration" link at the top of this page and select "New Enrolment" from the dropdown menu.
    Start filling the online form by selecting your type. Fill all the questions asked and upload your degrees.
    Mumineen already registered with BMI may please verify and update their Data.
    please log on to
  • Online Mumineen Doctors Directory
  • To ease the search of any Mumin Doctor who are registred with the Idara across the world, BM has developed a unique "Online Mumineen Doctor's Directory. By which any mumin, doctors, ummal kiram can easily search all the doctors through this section.
    - Visit,
    - Login using your ITS ID and password,
    - Click on the "Doctor's Directory" link on the top and start searching your desired doctor,
    - Search Name wise, Jamiat wise, Jamaat wise etc.

Diabetes Management


Diabetes develops when the body cannot properly use the energy provided by food. The ability to utilize food for energy is as important as having air to breathe.

Doctor's Directory

Doctor's Directory

A comprehensive attempt has been made in compiling of this online directory to provide various information for which purpose; it contains listing and basic details of Dawoodi Bohra doctors from all over the world.

New Enrollment

New Enrollment

If you are a Doctor / Medical student / Paramedic and your name is not registered with us then use this section to get yourself registered under Burhani Medical Idara and your basic details will be available for all mumineen across the globe. You will also receive Khidmat & Event related updates from the Burhani Medical Idara.

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